Rachel Bensimon
Rachel Bensimon, a Toronto native, embarked on a transformative journey to New York City, igniting her passion for art. She honed her skills at The Arts Students League and earned an MFA from The New York Academy of Art.
From childhood, Rachel found solace in sketching, evolving into a captivating portrait artist with a psychological focus. Delving into the essence of her subject matter, her work captures profound layers of experience, exploring spirituality and interconnectedness.
With a fashion industry background and Parisian tenure, Rachel’s aesthetic flourished. She reimagines beauty, often portraying girls surrounded with floral and fauna, fostering a surreal atmosphere. Her recent series bridges humanity with nature, evoking an ‘other worldly’ sensibility.
Inspired by Balthus, Mark Ryden, and Leonardo da Vinci, her work weaves classical influences into vibrant, dreamlike narratives. The fusion of vibrant hues, pastels, and animals invites viewers into a captivating realm, marrying tradition with contemporary imagination.
Rachel Bensimon’s art prompts contemplation of the interplay between subjective and objective, individual and universal, uniting us with the world, while her use of color and animal symbolism in a pop surrealist context creates a mesmerizing visual tapestry.